Fit3D Pro Body Scanner delivers instant access to full body scan and analysis by using Orbbec’s Astra camera and empowers fitness enthusiasts and clinics to accurately measure and track progress.

Fit3D, located in California, is a pioneer in 3D body scanning solutions that are used in prominent fitness clubs, gyms and therapy clinics.

The global fitness industry is currently over $87 billion and is forecasted to grow at 33% CAGR to $435 billion in 2028. The fastest-growing segment in the fitness industry is the digital fitness industry with an expected growth of 640% from 2021-2028.
Traditional human body measurements require setting up appointments with trained personnel, is a cumbersome and time-consuming process involving a limited set of measurements using tapes and calipers followed by manual data entry and calculations. Furthermore, it lacks privacy and is prone to human error.

Compared to such traditional body imaging and measurement techniques, Fit3D’s Pro Body Scanner, using the Orbbec Astra depth camera, is easy to use, non-invasive, fast, accurate and dynamic. It allows self-service in privacy in gyms and clinics and combined with advanced data analytics, tracking and integration with health apps, it will innovate the rapidly growing healthtech industry.

Zippia. “22 Fulfilling Fitness Industry Statistics [2023]: Home Workout And Gym Statistics” Mar. 12, 2023,


  • Clients report seeing a 4x increase in conversion rates.
  • Increase customer retention with a Digital Receipt of program & services.
  • Save Time with accurate measurements in minutes.
  • Measurements and body composition results are available immediately through email and portal.
  • Educate & Engage using 3D Avatars showing “before & after” using hundreds of measurements.
  • Saves on labor hours through autonomous hardware and cloud-based reports.

We performed a deep review of all depth sensing technology providers and chose Orbbec because their Astra line is accurate, reliable, and robust. It works in all of our common scanning environments and allows us to deploy our 3D body scanning services to thousands of customers performing scans on millions of end-users.

Greg Moore
Founding CEO of Fit3D, Inc.




Software Company


2955 Campus Dr, San Mateo, CA 94403, United States

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