Femto Bolt Documentation

About Femto Bolt


  • Orbbec SDK and Orbbec SDK K4A Wrapper
  • Human Skeleton Tracking SDK
  • Femto Bolt Hardware Requirements
  • Next Steps

Femto Bolt is an advanced iToF 3D camera jointly developed by Orbbec and Microsoft. The depth camera uses Microsoft’s latest advanced ToF sensing technology and has a working mode and performance that is completely consistent with the Microsoft AKDK depth camera.

The Femto Bolt 3D camera integrates multiple sensing methods including multi-mode depth camera, color video camera and inertial sensor, and can simultaneously realize data transmission and power supply to the camera through a single USB Type-C connection. At the same time, Microsoft recommends using Femto Bolt as an alternative to Azure Kinect DK. For details, please refer to:

https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/mixed-reality-blog/microsoft-s-azure-kinect-developer-kit-technology-transfers-to/ba-p/3899122 Femto Bolt can be purchased at Femto Bolt Purchase Link.

The Femto Bolt development environment consists of several SDKs:

  • Orbbec SDK K4A Wrapper or Orbbec SDK for accessing the device.
  • Human Skeleton Tracking SDK for tracking 3D human bodies.

In addition, Cognitive Vision services can be used with the device RGB camera. The system architecture diagram using Orbbec SDK K4a Wrapper is as follows:

The system architecture diagram using Orbbec SDK directly is as follows:

Note: Using only Orbbec SDK without Orbbec SDK K4a Wrapper cannot use AKDK’s skeleton tracking algorithm.



Orbbec SDK and Orbbec SDK K4A Wrapper


Human Skeleton Tracking SDK


Femto Bolt Hardware Requirements


Next Steps