Femto Mega Documentation

Orbbec SDK and K4A Wrapper


  • Orbbec SDK and Orbbec SDK K4A Wrapper
  • Human Skeleton Tracking SDK
  • Femto Mega Hardware Requirements
  • Next steps

Femto Mega is a programmable multi-mode Depth and RGB camera with real-time streaming of processed images over Ethernet or USB connections. The camera uses Microsoft’s industry proven ToF technology and the NVIDIA® Jetson™ platform to deliver a comprehensive Depth and RGB vision platform for computer vision and AI developers. With a wide field of view (FOV) and high resolution depth sensor, it’s ideal for robotics, manufacturing, logistics and healthtech applications.

The Femto Mega development environment consists of several SDKs:

  • Orbbec SDK K4A Wrapper or Orbbec SDK for accessing the device.
  • Human Skeleton Tracking SDK for tracking 3D human bodies.


Using only Orbbec SDK without Orbbec SDK K4a Wrapper cannot use AKDK’s skeleton tracking algorithm.



Orbbec SDK and Orbbec SDK K4A Wrapper


Human Skeleton Tracking SDK


Femto Mega Hardware Requirements